what we offer

In today’s landscape, social value isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a game-changer in how contracts are won and delivered. K-Low Consulting is proud to introduce the Balloon Social Value Manger, an intuitive platform designed to streamline your approach to social value managment.

Our bid writing experts worked closely with Social Value specialists to create a platform that meets local and central commissioner requirements. The platform has been designed to craft, monitor, measure, track, and improve social value propositions easily and intuitively.

Create with purpose

Develop social value projects that aligh seamlessly with your supplier contracts or internal stratagies, ensuring that every initiatives is impactful from the start.

Measure and Monitor

Gain real-time insights into your social value initiatives.  Track progress, measure outcomes, and report effectively to stakeholders - all from one eamless platform.

Expert Support

With our Management Service Program, you will have hands-on support every step of the way.  Our experts collaborate with internal teams, equipping them with the knowledge and tools needed to thrive in this evolving terrain.

Legislative Requirement

With governments worldwide working towards building better human sustainability, Social Value is here to stay and will play a role in influencing the winning of new business.

With obligations placed on public sector organisations to continually track, measure, and report progress, outcomes and aligning with supplier contracts around performance.  Social value has slowly been making pace in becoming a key influence in bids/tender evaluation since 2012

Integrated Solution

Our system has been built to meet social value requirements in Bids and Tenders

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