The Procurement Act 2023: What does it mean for you?

In our last blog, we wrote about changes that were coming into force around procurement in 2025. The most notable change – the introduction of The Procurement Act 2023 – came into effect this week, on Monday 24th February 2025. This new piece of legislation marks a significant transformation in the UK’s public procurement landscape, […]
NHS tenders: What rule changes are coming into force in 2025?

This year, the NHS is making wholesale changes to the way businesses can procure tenders. The Procurement Act 2023, is set to come into force at the end of February and with it comes changes that aim to make the process more streamlined; enhancing transparency and making for a more level (and competitive) playing field. […]
How to deal with tender overwhelm

If you’re new to the tendering process or you’re yet to be successful in a bid, it can be a daunting process. There are a number of different factors to consider, from the cost of delivery to the time frame of the project, and it can be tough to know where to start. Sometimes the […]
What are PSR regulations and how do they affect NHS tenders?

Within the integrated care system, Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) are responsible for NHS budgets at a local level, arranging and commissioning the provision of health and social care services in their local area. On January 1, 2024 the Provider and Selection Regime (PSR) came into force specifically for the procurement of health care services for: […]
Are patients really ‘at the centre’ of integrated care?

For some time now, the Government has been promoting its policy of ‘person-centred care’. In fact, the term was first introduced in the NHS Plan and other government policy documents in 2000. What is person-centred care? According to the Care Quality Commission (CQC), person-centred care is defined as ‘providers making every reasonable effort to provide […]
Are you able to demonstrate your Carbon Reduction Plans in a tender bid?

From April 2024, it will be compulsory to demonstrate Carbon Reduction Plans (CRPs) in any NHS tender bid submissions. This is because the NHS has announced a goal to achieve net zero emissions by 2045 and this will also include emissions generated by goods and services purchased through its suppliers. Since April 2023, for all […]
How to win GP contracts and funding

If you are a surgery or general practice looking to win substantial contracts or funding, it can be a daunting prospect, particularly if you are an already over-worked GP or Practice Manager struggling for time. What types of GP contracts can you bid for? APMS (Alternative Provider Medical Services) contracts are regularly put out to […]
Does tendering feature in your growth plans for 2024?

If you are looking to grow your business in 2024, tendering for a large contract could take your organisation to the next level. Winning a new, large contract is a great way to grow your business significantly but it can also cause a business to unravel if the resources and processes aren’t in place before […]
How will the Procurement Act 2023 affect NHS and other public sector tenders?

The Procurement Bill received Royal Assent on 26th October and is now known as the Procurement Act 2023 and is likely to come into force in 2024. But what exactly is it? And what does it mean for NHS and public sector contract tenders? What is the Procurement Act? The new Procurement Act aims to […]
The new CQC Framework: what is it and how will it affect providers?

Earlier this year, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) announced it would be making changes to the way it works with suppliers and providers. These changes would include the establishment of a new assessment framework and provider portal and will apply to providers, local authorities and integrated care systems. Over the course of 2023, these plans […]