Business & Contract Strategy

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Bid Strategy Support for Your Organisation

Business & Contract Strategy is phase 1 of the 4 phases that make up the (total) cycle (of service) that K Low Consulting offers.

To create a winning contract submission you need a comprehensive bid strategy. Our many years of strategic experience ensure we can expertly guide you through what is needed to produce the most effective strategy for your business. This strategy then drives each approach, proposition, and message, helping create submissions that highlight your strengths, values and ethos to the buyer.

From the outset we adopt a collaborative approach, always working in partnership to ensure total transparency, input and validation of our clients value proposition as matched to the tender opportunity. We achieve this by:

Benefits of Having a Clear Business and Contract Strategy

A well-produced contract and business strategy offers your organisation much more than just winning a bid. Our service provides a clear touchpoint for all involved in the bid process, ensuring unification of the overall message and a consolidated (organisational)l approach for the bid.

Since entering into the field of bid writing and management we have become increasingly involved with not just the contract strategy, but the overall business strategy for many of our clients. Combining these two elements has helped our clients to increase their bid wins significantly and implement their services more effectively.

Every bid we write is produced in alignment to best practice methodology, developed from the insight we have gained from overseeing hundreds of bids. This experience has provided our bid team with intimate knowledge of the time and complexity of every task and process required to produce a winning submission  working with our clients’ internal teams and their wider governance stakeholders.

Following on to the next stage of the phase cycle, we can then steer you in the right direction to open up opportunities for your organisation. Click here to learn more about our second Phase: Opportunity Analysis and how we can work with you to investigate and identify opportunities that will help increase your chances of winning bid contracts.