How to deal with tender overwhelm

tender overwhelm

If you’re new to the tendering process or you’re yet to be successful in a bid, it can be a daunting process. There are a number of different factors to consider, from the cost of delivery to the time frame of the project, and it can be tough to know where to start. Sometimes the […]

Does tendering feature in your growth plans for 2024?

If you are looking to grow your business in 2024, tendering for a large contract could take your organisation to the next level. Winning a new, large contract is a great way to grow your business significantly but it can also cause a business to unravel if the resources and processes aren’t in place before […]

Tips for creating a successful tender bid

Business growth may feature heavily in your plans for 2024 and bidding for tenders is an ideal way to achieve those goals. But, how can you ensure your tender bid stands out over your competitors? Here are our top tender tips: Finding and developing your contract strategy is a great way to home in on […]

How can you demonstrate social value in a tender bid?

Social value

Pulling together a tender bid means looking at your organisation through the eyes of the commissioner and demonstrating why you should be their first choice for a contract. Being able to prove your competence and ability to deliver the contract are obviously important factors, but we are seeing other topical concerns becoming more of a […]

Do you analyse new contract opportunities before tendering for them?

Do you analyse new contract opportunities before tendering for them?

In our last blog, we wrote about our ‘Four Phase approach’ to working with clients on their tender bids. Phase 1 was all about developing a contract strategy. This can be a part of your wider growth or business plans and help provide focus and clarity when it comes to knowing which contracts to go […]

Countdown under way to launch of UK’s new Find a Tender Service (FTS)

Anyone who follows our blogs may remember that a short while ago we discussed what tendering was likely to look like in a post-Brexit UK. As of 1 January 2021, the UK tender opportunities will no longer appear on TED (Tenders Electronic Daily) – the online version of the Supplement to the Official Journal of […]

How to avoid a last-minute panic when bidding for a tender

You have found a tender that your company would be perfect for – fantastic! But the deadline is tight and now you’re racing against time to submit the tender. To avoid a last-minute panic when bidding for a tender, follow our Top 10 Tips: Read tender documents carefully Download all the documents provided on the […]

How do I write an equality and diversity answer on a tender?

Equality and Diversity

Have you ever wondered how to get maximum marks on an Equality & Diversity question on a tender? The answer is simple. The key to an effective Equality & Diversity answer is to improve your approaches to Equality & Diversity within your workplace, offer as many Diversity initiatives that you can and build a stronger […]