Implementation and Contract Management
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Implementation and Contract Management for Your Organisation
After the successful award of the contract following our Tender Writing and Management process, we can offer Implementation and Contract Management support.
Commissioners are reassured when organisations demonstrate a reduced level of risk in contract delivery. To assist with this, we first support your bid by designing and developing a mobilisation and implementation plan. This plan outlines clear guidelines and schedules, ensuring that all parties involved in the bid process are aligned with the same specifications and expectations.
Our Mobilisation and Implementation Support
Winning the bid is just one part of a successful tender outcome. Effective mobilisation and implementation of your organisation’s services are crucial to meeting tender requirements. We help simplify complex processes into manageable work streams with clear task ownership, ensuring the timely delivery of the contract and alignment with your strategic objectives.

In the post-bid submission stage, we provide ongoing support to maintain focus on timely delivery, reporting, and achieving successful outcomes. Our commitment is to help you fulfil the tender requirements while supporting the growth of your organisation.
Contract Management Support
Following submission and contract award, we can provide ongoing support during mobilisation to ensure timely delivery, reporting and outcome achievement. Our focus is constantly maintained on achieving successful outcomes and supporting the growth of your company.
By providing support to your team we can help them understand and implement the new services and procedures. Following which we can ensure that there is systematic accountability to ensure that the contract is managed effectively. Our support is flexible, but support activities may include:
- Summary of implementation plan and key Stage-gates
- Handover of reporting documentation with clarification around what needs reporting and the evidence required.
- Summary of key commitments and commissioner options for breach of contract
- Contract management
- Quarterly progress checks
- Support with reporting completion
- Internal performance report to include highlighting risks
- Case study production in support of marketing